
Saudi Arabia discovers main Oil and Pure gasoline fields in Jap Province and Empty Quarter

Saudi Arabia discovers main Oil and Pure gasoline fields in Jap Province and Empty Quarter

New oil and gasoline fields found within the Empty Quarter and Jap Province of Saudi Arabia, as per the Kingdom announcement on Monday. Saudi Aramco has discovered two unconventional oil fields, one Arabian mild oil reservoir, two pure gasoline fields, and two pure gasoline reservoirs within the Jap Province and the Empty Quarter, in line with Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman, the Minister of Power. Trending : KSA ranks 3rd in world in terms of money transfers outside

Within the Jap Province, the Al-Ladam unconventional oil area was discovered after the Ladam-2 properly started producing very mild Arabian oil at a price of 5,100 barrels per day, together with round 4.9 million customary cubic toes of pure gasoline per day. Following the day by day circulate of 4557 barrels of Arabian very mild oil and roughly 3.79 million customary cubic toes of gasoline from the Al-Farouq-4 properly, the Jap Province’s discovery of the Al-Farouq unconventional oil area was validated.

– After the Mazaleej-62 properly started producing Arab mild oil at a price of 1,780 bpd and gasoline at a price of round 0.7 mscf/d, the Unayza B/C reservoir was additionally discovered within the Mazaleej area within the Jap Province.

– At a price of 5.3 million customary cubic toes per day from the Al-Arab-C reservoir within the Al-Jahaq-1 properly and 1.1 million customary cubic toes per day from the Al-Arab-C reservoir in the identical properly, the minister introduced that the Al-Jahaq pure gasoline area had been discovered within the Empty Quarter. Most Considered : Number of new services launched in Absher platform

– Pure gasoline flowed from the Al-Katuf-1 properly at a price of seven.6 million customary cubic toes per day, with round 40 barrels per day of condensate. This validated the discovering of the Al-Katuf area within the Empty Quarter.

– Asikra-6 properly pure gasoline flowed at 4.9 million customary cubic toes per day, resulting in the invention of the Hanifa reservoir within the Asikra area of the Empty Quarter. Together with roughly 100 barrels of condensate per day, it was flowing into the identical properly at a price of 0.6 million customary cubic toes per day from the Al-Fadhili reservoir.

– The massive finds had been praised by Prince Abdulaziz as an act of Allah Almighty. He gave because of God, which He had acquired as a blessing. The minister praised King Salman, Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, and Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammed bin Salman for his or her excellent accomplishments, and he prayed to God to grant the Kingdom and its individuals everlasting peace, prosperity, and security. Join Saudi Expatriates WhatsApp channel

Saudi Arabia discovers main Oil and Pure gasoline fields in Jap Province and Empty Quarter

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