
Automobiles and Different Transportation –

transportation muwāʂalāt [pl.] Posts to take the bus 3li3 [55] fi -lbāʂ طِلِع في الباص to get on, get in, take (a bus, taxi, and so forth.) ríkib, yírkab رِكِب ، يِرْكب to get off, get out of nízil [55] min Nazel Min transportation, transport nail Criticism freight; truck .in شحِن pick-up truck sayyāra nuʂʂ nágil Cellular textual content SGI safīna Safine boat Isaac حسكة bus bāʂ باص I normally go to work by bus. bi-l3āda barūɧ 3a -ššúɣul fi -lbāʂ. With the return of the spirit of occupation within the base. to overlook the bus rāɧ 3alē -lbāʂ, yrūɧ 3alē -lbāʂ Rah is on the bottom, he’s on the bottom bus cease māʂwgif bāʂat (mawāgif bāʂāt) معوقِف باصّات (مَوعقِف باصّات) bus driver sawwāg bāʂ سوّاق باص metro, subway (UK: underground) mítro مِتْروْ I take the metro daily. ána báʈla3 fi -lmítro kull yōm. أنا بطْلع في المِتْروْ كُلّ يوْم. subway station maɧáʈʈit mítro محطِّة مِتْروْ taxi taxi Taxis taxi sayyārit újra سيّارِةْ أُجْرة We took a taxi downtown. 3lí3na 3a -lbálad fi tāksi. طلععنا عَالبلد في تاكسي. taxi driver sawwāg tāksi The taxman to hail a taxi a lar la-tīksī, yšīr la-tāksi أشّر لتاكْسی ، يْأشِّر لتاكْسی taxi meter 3ddād taxi Taxi quantity to barter the fare fāʂal 3a -ssí3ir, yfāʂil 3a -ssí3ir فيسع عَ السِّعِر ، يْفاصِل عَ السِّعِر Hom .māl North Flip left! xūd šmāl! خْد شْمال! proper yamīn يَمين Flip proper! xūd yamīn! خُد يَمين! straight guddāmak قُدّامك straight fi wíjhak في وِجْهك Go straight! úɣllak dúɣri ضلّك دُغْري bicycle baskalēt Train to trip a bicycle ríkib baskalēt رِكِب بسْكليْت bike owner sawwāg baskalēt سّاق بسْكليْت bicycle lane, bike path ʈarīg baskalētāt طريق بسْكليْتات treadle da33āsa دعّاسة treadle dawwāsa دوّاسة chain janzīr (janazīr) جنْزير (جنازير) bike seat chair baskalēt Kursi Basklit bike fízba فِزْبة bike mōtsíkil Motorbike poisons xūza (want) خوذة (خُوَذ) czar sayyāra Cellular to drive, steer sāg, ysūg Saq, Yusuk driver sawwāg سوّاق passenger rākib راكِب driver’s license rúxʂit swāga (rúxaʂ swāga) Hairdressing (Hairdressing) site visitors jam záɧma زحْمة caught in site visitors m3állig fi -zzáɧma مْعلِّق في الزّحْمة The site visitors is horrible proper now! iʈʈarīg záɧma ktīr halgēt. The onerous manner is best. rush hour wagt izzáɧma وَقْت الزّحْمة Let’s not go downtown proper now. It is rush hour. balāš nínzal 3a -lbálad halgēt, iddínya záɧma. بلاش نِنْزل عَ البلد هلْقیْت, الدِّنْيا زحْمة. to go, overtake idjāwaz, yidjāwaz اِتْجاوَز ، يِتْجاوَز to cease wígif, yūgaf وِقِف ، يوقف to yield to wássa3 la-, ywássi3 la- وَسّع لـ ، يْوسِّع لـ to have the proper of manner ílu lʔāwlawíyya إلو الأَوْلَوية pedestrians mušā [pl.] مُشاة sidewalk (UK: pavement) raʂīf (árʂifa) رصيف (أرْصِفة) cross stroll, pedestrian crossing (UK: zebra crossing) xaʈʈ mušā (xʈūʈ mušā) Line of sight (line of sight) to cross the road gáʈa3 iššāri3, yígʈa3 iššāri3 The Shari’ah is lower off, the Shari’ah is lower off site visitors gentle išārit murūr إشرِةْ مُرور inexperienced gentle išāra xáɖra إشرة خضْرا crimson gentle išāra ramra إشرة حمْرا yellow gentle išāra ʂáfra Bile إ to run a crimson gentle g3a3 [7] ilʔišāra -lɧámra Lower the signal of the room to park ʂaff, yʂuff صفّ, يْصُفّ parking zone máwgif (mawāgif) مووقِف (مواقِف) parking storage karāj Kraj to park on the road ʂaff fi -ššāri3 صفّ في الشّارِع lane xaʈʈ (xʈūʈ) Line lane mas .r مسار to alter lanes .yyar [55] ilxáʈʈ غيّر الخطّ a four-lane street ʈarīg árba3 xʈūʈ طريق أرْبع خْطط intersection taqāʈu3 Intersection round-about duwwār دُوّار round-about mīdān (mayadīn) Sq. freeway, expressway (UK: motorway) xaʈʈ sarī3 Quick line bridge, overpass jísir (jsūr) Brave velocity restrict dadd issúr3a Hadd al-Surah license plate (UK: quantity plate) líwɧit innímra لَوْحِةْ النِّمْرة automobile insurance coverage sayʔmn Automobile insurance coverage to choose up rákkab, yrákkib ركّب ، يْركِّب to drop off názzal, ynázzil Low, low You may simply drop me off on the nook. nazzílni 3a -lláffa Has descended on the alfalfa. to present a carry to, take wáʂʂal, ywáʂʂil وَصّل ، يْوَصِّل to present a carry to, take áxad __ má3u أخد ___ معو Are you able to give me a trip dwelling? btígdar twaʂʂílni 3a -ddār? How a lot do you belief within the age? hood kabbūd كبّود windshield gzāz guddamāni قْزاز قُدّماني windshield gzāz amāmi قْزاز أمامي trunk āntit sayyāra سنْطِةْ سيّارة the entrance seat ilkúrsi -lguddamāni Al-Kursi Al-Qadmani the again seat ilkúrsi -lwarrāni Al-Kursi Al-Warani automobile door b issb issayyāra باب السّيّارة automobile door deal with máskit ilbāb مسْكِةْ الباب window šubbāk (šababīk) شببك (شبابيك) to roll the window up 3álla -ššubbāk, yálli -ššubbāk On the community, on the community to roll the window up ráfa3 [23] iššubbāk Take away the mesh to roll the window down názzal iššubbāk Nazl al-Shabak The door is ajar. ilbāb maftūɧ. The door is closed. steering wheel st .rin سْتيرِن flip sign ɣammāz غمّاز He by no means makes use of his flip sign. bya3ʈīš āammāz bi-lmárra. بْيَعْطيش غمّاز بِالمرّة. rear view mirror mrāya warrāníyya مْرايَة وَرّانية aspect view mirror mrāya -lli 3a -jjánab مْراية اللي عَ الجّنِب glove compartment ʂandūg tāblōn The drum field dashboard issuance of the desk Tabulun al-Sayyar emergency brake, hand brake hānd brēk Hanud Boryak tire (UK: tire) 3ájal Hurry to verify the tire strain fuel [46] ʈiʈ il3ájal قاس ضغِط العجل to get a flat tire náffas il3ájal, ynáffis il3ájal Nafs al-Ajl, the soul of haste spare tire 3ájal spēr Hurry up patiently to alter a flat tire .yyar [55] il3ájal غيّر العجل automated ōtōmātik أوْتوْمتِك guide, stick-shift 3ādi Regular He cannot drive a stick. bi3rífš ysūg gīr 3ādi. Unfamiliar yosuk is uncommon. treadle dá3sa Supplication treadle dawwāsa دوّاسة clutch klatš کْلتْش brake brēk بْريْك brake stōb سْتوْب to brake dá3as brēk, yíd3as brēk Blessed is he who prays fuel pedal, accelerator dá3sit ilbanzīn دْسِةْ البنْزين to speed up, velocity up síri3, yísri3 سِرِع ، يِسْرِع to speed up, velocity up d ban3as banzīn Pray for gasoline to decelerate báʈʈaʔ, ybáʈʈiʔ بطّا ، يْبتِّئ to decelerate wáʈʈa [21] -ssúr3a وَطّى السُّرْعة gear; stick shift g .r Different in gear mlábbis ɣayār مْلبِّس غَيار in gear m3áššig مْعشِّق 1st gear ɣayār áwwal غيار أوّل reverse (gear) l .vērs Lafarge to again up ríji3 wára, yírja3 wára رِجِع وَرا, يِرْجع وَرا to alter gears .yyar [55] غيّر to alter gears báddal [19] بدّل I put the automobile in reverse and began backing up. ɧaʈʈēt ilgīr lāvērs w rijā3t la-wára. حطّيْت الغير لافيْرْس ورْجِعِت ورا. speedometer 3addād (issúr3a) عداد (السُّرْعة) to do the velocity restrict iltizam bi-ssúr3a, yiltízim bi-ssúr3a Fasting fasting fasting fasting to hurry, go over the velocity restrict txáʈʈa ssír3a, yitxáʈʈa ssír3a Velocity ​​line, Velocity ​​line The police pulled me over for rushing. iššúrʈa waggafátni b-sábab issúr3a. Phrases and situations are as a consequence of velocity. fuel (UK: petrol) banzīn Gasoline We have run out of fuel. ilbanzīn xállaʂ. البنْزين خلّص. The tank is full. ittánk malyān. Your nation. fuel gauge 3ddād banzīn Gasoline quantity fuel station maɧáʈʈit banzīn Gasoline surroundings fuel pump maɖáxxit banzīn مضخِّةْ بنْزين to get fuel 3ábba banzīn, y3ábbi banzīn Abi Benzin, Ya’bi Benzin to alter the oil .yyar [55] izzāt غيّر الزّيْت to placed on one’s seatbelt, put on one’s seat belt ʈʈaʈʈ [55] ʔzām ilʔamān حطّ حْزام الأمان to start out a automobile Scarf [21] issayyāra شغّل السّيّارة The automobile will not begin. issayyāra miš rāɖya tištíɣil. The traveler is happy with the occupation. to show off the engine .fa [55] -lmātōr طفى الماتوْر fender; bumper addām Saddam fender; bumper ráfraf (rafārif) Refurbish (automobile) roof ságif (sgūf) Ceiling to get in a fender-bender 3ámal [55] isdis basīʈ The motion of Hadith is easy dent xábʈa خبْطة There is a dent within the aspect of the automobile. fī xábʈa fi -ssayyāra min ijjánab. Within the mess within the automobile from the jinn. headlight ɖaww guddamāni ضوّ قُدّماني headlight ɖaww amāmi ضوّ أمامي Flip in your headlights when it begins to get darkish. ɖɖwi -ɖɖaww lámma tíbda t3áttim. اضوي الضّو لمّا تِبْدا تْعتِّم. to get in an accident, have an accident 3ámal [55] ɧādis Hadith motion to crash xábaʈ, yúxbuʈ خبت ، يُخْبُط He crashed (his automobile) right into a tree. xʈbaʈ sayyārtu fi šájara. خبت سیـارْتو في شجرة. The automobile was totaled within the accident. (i) tkássarit issayyāra fi -lɧādis. Textual content journey in hadith.

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