
Cooking the lamb and rice on this luxurious approach makes it great for a feast!

Components and step-by-step directions for making the recipe

You’ll need a Leg of lamb or lamb shoulder 

Make cuts on the edges of the meat

In a small bowl put together the marinade with the next elements 

Salt to style, and one tbsp of paprika, half a tsp of cumin, and half a tsp every of black pepper and turmeric 

Two tbsps of lemon juice

Two tbsps of vinegar

One fourth of a cup of olive oil

Then, marinate the meat with it

Reduce a giant sheet of parchment paper and add the next elements 

Onion (120 grams)

Garlic (120 grams)

Cinnamon stick

Bay leaves

Cardamom, cloves, and one tsp of coriander seeds

Place the meat on prime and brush the meat with the remainder of the marinade

Wrap the meat with the parchment paper and aluminum foil

Place the meat in a roasting pan

Add just a little little bit of water within the roasting pan 

Place in a preheated oven

Roast at an oven temperature of 400°f, 200°c for 3 hours or extra relying on the oven

Find out how to put together the rice

Pour just a little little bit of vegetable oil right into a pot

Add the next elements:

Cinnamon sticks, cardamom, cloves

Bay leaves

One tsp of garlic

Two cups of washed and soaked basmati rice

Scorching pepper

One tsp every of salt and vegetable bouillon

Three cups of water

Prepare dinner it over excessive warmth till the quantity of water decreases

Add soaked saffron 

Then, cook dinner it over low warmth for 25 minutes

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