
Household –

(prolonged) household 3āʔilatun عائِلَةٌ (instant) household .Usratun (Shusarun) أُسْرَةٌ (أُسَرٌ) relative relativeun (Shaqribuʔaqribāʔun) Close to (kinfolk, kinfolk) I’ve some kinfolk that stay in New York. ladayyor ba3ɖun minor -lʔaqāribof ya3īšūnor fī nyōyōrkor. A few of the kinfolk stay in New York. to be associated to 3alā ʂilaIT caribbeantin BI عَلى صِلَةِ قَرابَةٍ بِـ Are you two associated? hal ʔantumā ʔaqāribu? هلْ أَنْتُما أَقارِبُ? I am not associated to him. ʔana lastu 3alā ʂilaIT caribbeantin bihof. أَنا لَسْتُ عَلى صِلَةِ قَرابَةٍ بِهِ. I am not associated to him. ʔana lā ʔaqrubuhu. أَنا لا أَقْرُبُهُ. father .Abun (ʔābāʔun) أَبٌ (آباءٌ) mom ʔummun (Mummahātun) أُمٌّ (أُمَّهاتٌ) my mom and father, my mother and pop ʔummī waʔabī أُمّي وَأَبي Hello Dad! marɧaban ʔabī! مَرْحَبًا أَبي! The place are you, Mother? ʔaynor .Antof yā ʔummī? أَيْنَ أَنْت يا أُمّي؟ dad and mom bornof Walidan dad and mom Āʔbāʔun Father son, (male) little one ibnun (ʔabnāʔun) اِبْنٌ (أَبْناءٌ) daughter, (feminine) little one bintun (banātun) بِنْتٌ (بَناتٌ) Do you may have any kids? hal ladaykor ʔaʈfālun? هَلْ لَدَيْكَ أَطْفالٌ؟ What number of kids do you may have? kam ʈiflan ladaykor? كَمْ طِفْلًا لَدَيْكَ? to have (a toddler) Janjaba [4s] ʈiflan أَنْجَبَ طِفْلًا That they had triplets. Janjabū ŧalāŧato tawāʔimor. أَنْجَبوا ثَلاثَةَ تَوائِمَ. siblings .Ixwatun ِْخْوَةٌ brother Departmentun (.Ixwatun) أَخٌ (ِْخْوَةٌ) My brother and my good friend’s brother got here with me. jāʔa ʔaxī wa-ʔaxū ʂadīqī ma3ī. جاء أخي وأخو صديقي معى. sister .Uxtun (ʔaxawātun) أُخْتٌ (أَخَواتٌ) older brother Departmentun Kabirun أَخٌ كَبيرٌ youthful sister .Uxtun .aɣīratun أُخْتٌ صَغيرَةٌ Do you may have any brothers or sisters? hal ladaykor .Ixwatun ʔaw ʔaxawātun? هَلْ لَدَيْكَ ِْخْوَةٌ أَوْ أَخَواتٌ؟ I’ve two older sisters and one youthful brother. ladayyor .Uxtānof kabīratānof wa-ʔaxun .Aʂɣarun. لَدَيَّ أُخْتانِ کَبيرَتانِ وَأَخٌ أَصْغَرٌ. I am the youngest in my household. ʔana -lʔaʂɣaru fī 3āʔilatī. أَنا الأَصْغَرُ في عائِلَتي. I am the center little one / son. ʔana -libnu -lʔawsaʈu. أَنا الِبْنُ الأَوْسَطُ. I am an solely little one. ʔana -libnu -lwaɧīdu. أَنا الِبْنُ الوَحيدُ. twin tawʔamun (tawāʔimu) تَوْأَمٌ (تَوائِمُ) Are you two twins? hal ʔantumā tawʔamānof? هَلْ أَنْت تما تَوْأَمانِ؟ I’ve a twin brother. ladayyor Departmentun tawʔamun. لَدَيَّ أَخٌ تَوْأَمٌ. full brother šaqīqun (ʔašiqqāʔu) شَقيقٌ (أَشِقّاءُ) full sister šaqīqatun شَقيقَةٌ half-brother Departmentun .ayru šaqīqin أَخٌ غَيْرُ شَقيقٍ half-sister .Uxtun .ayru šaqīqatin أُخْتٌ غَيْرُ شَقيقَةٍ He is my half-brother. .Innahu Īaxī ɣayru -ššaqīqof. نِنَّهُ أَخي غَيْرُ الشَّقيقِ. husband zawjun (ʔazwājun) زَوْجٌ spouse zawjatun زَوْجَةٌ His spouse got here with him. jāʔat zawjatuhu ma3ahu. جاءت زوجته معه. stepfather zawju ʔummin زَوْجُ أُمٍّ stepmother zawjayour .Abin زَوْجَةُ أَبٍ stepson rabībun رَبيبٌ stepson ibnu -zzawjof اِبْنُ الزَّوجِ stepson ibnu -zzawjaIT اِبْنُ الزَّوْجَةِ stepdaughter rabībatun رَبيبَةٌ stepdaughter ibnayour -zzawjof اِبْنَةُ الزَّوْجِ stepdaughter ibnayour -zzawjaIT اِبْنَةُ الزَّوْجَةِ grandfather, grandpa jaddu (ʔajdādunjudūdun) جَدُّ (أَجْدادٌ ، جُودٌ) grandmother, grandma jaddatun جَدَّةٌ great-grandfather aljaddu -lʔakbaru الجَدُّ الأَكْبَرُ great-grandfather ʔabū -ljaddof أَبو الجَدِّ grandson ɧafīdun (ʔaɧfādun) حَفيدٌ (أَحْفادٌ) granddaughter ɧafīdatun حَفيدَةٌ grandchildren .Aɧfādun أَحْفادٌ uncle (father’s brother) 3ammun (3a3māmun) عَمٌّ (أَعْمامٌ) aunt (father’s brother’s spouse) zawjayour -l3ammof زَوْجَةُ العَمِّ aunt (father’s sister) 3ammatun عَمَّةٌ uncle (father’s sister’s husband) zawju -l3ammaIT زَوْجُ العَمَّةِ uncle (mom’s brother) xālun (ʔaxwālun) خالٌ (أَخْوالٌ) aunt (mom’s brother’s spouse) zawjayour -lxālof زَوْجَةُ الخالِ aunt (mom’s sister) xālatun خالَةٌ uncle (mom’s sister’s husband) zawju -lxālaIT زَوْجُ الخالَةِ cousin (father’s brother’s son) ʔibnu 3ammof (ʔabnāʔu 3ammin) ُِبْنُ عَمِّ (أَبْناءُ عَمٍّ) cousin (father’s brother’s daughter) bintu 3ammof (banātu 3ammin) بِنْتُ عَمِّ (بَنُتُ عَمٍّ) cousin (father’s sister’s son) ibnu 3ammatin (ʔabnāʔu 3ammatin) اِبْنُ عَمَّةٍ (أَبْناءُ عَمَّةٍ) cousin (father’s sister’s daughter) ibnayour 3ammatin (banātu 3ammatin) اِبْنَةُ عَمَّةٍ (بَناتُ عَمَّةٍ) cousin (mom’s brother’s son) ibnu xālin (ʔabnāʔu xālin) ابنْ خالٍ (أَبْناءُ خالٍ) cousin (mom’s brother’s daughter) ibnayour xālin (banātu xālin) اَبْنَةُ خالٍ (بَناتُ خالٍ) cousin (mom’s sister’s son) ibnu xālatin (ʔabnāʔu xālatin) اَبْنُ خالَةٍ (أَبْناءُ خالَةٍ) cousin (mom’s sister’s daughter) ibnayour xālatin (banātu xālatin) اَبْنَةُ خالَةٍ (بَناتُ خالَةٍ) We’re cousins. naɧnu ʔabnāʔu 3ammin. نَحْنُ أَبْناءُ عَمٍّ. We’re cousins. naɧnu ʔabnāʔu 3umūmatin. نَحْنُ أَبْناءُ عُمومَةٍ. orphan yatīmun (Shaytāmun) يَتيمٌ (أَيْتامٌ) orphanage d .ru [f.] -lʔaytāmof دارُ الأَيْتامِ orphanage maytamun (mayātimu) مَيْتَمٌ (مَياتِمُ) to undertake tabannā [5d] تَبَنّى adoption tabannin تَبَنٍّ adopted mutabannā مُتَبَنّى I used to be adopted. Mutana mutabannā. أنا مُتَبَنّى. an adopted son ibnun bi-ttabannī اِبْنٌ بِالتَّبَنّي adoptive dad and mom Āʔbāʔun bi-ttabannī اباءٌ بِالتَّبَنّي ancestors, forefathers Āaslāfun أَسْلفٌ ancestors, forefathers ʔajdādun أَجْدادٌ descendants .Aɧfādun أَحْفادٌ

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