
Cooking rooster breast with rice on this approach makes it AMAZINGLY DELICIOUS! Cannot cease making it

The Substances for this recipe:

Hen breast minimize into strips (500 grams)

Substances for the rooster marinade:

Two tbsps of vinegar 

One tsp every of salt, cumin, and paprika, and half a tsp black pepper, one one fourth of a tsp of turmeric 

Substances for the rice:

Two cups of basmati rice

Half a tsp of salt and one tsp of vegetable bouillon

Bay leaves

Three cups of water

Substances for cooking the rooster:

Vegetable or canola oil

Chopped onions (200 grams)

Carrots (120 grams)One tbsp of garlic

Scorching pepper

Bell pepper (150 grams)

Cabbage (300 grams)

One tsp every of cumin and paprika, and half a tsp every of salt, black pepper, and turmeric

Substances for the sauce

4 tbsps of mayonnaise

Two tbsps of yogurt

Half a tsp of sugar

One tsp of dried parsley

One tsp of vinegar


Black pepper

Step-by-step directions for making the recipe:

Let’s begin by marinating the rooster

We minimize rooster breast into strips, about (500 grams), and marinate it with the next substances:

Two tbsps of vinegar 

One tsp every of salt, cumin, and paprika, and half a tsp black pepper, one one fourth of a tsp of turmeric 

We then let it marinate within the fridge for half-hour

Whereas the rooster is marinating, we wash two cups of basmati rice and soak it for 20 minutes

After the soaking time has ended, we begin cooking the rice.

We first drain the water from the rice after which, in a pot, we pour slightly little bit of canola or vegetable oil and add the rice and fry it for slightly bit

Then, we add the next substances:

Half a tsp of salt and one tsp of vegetable bouillon

Bay leaves

Three cups of water

We now prepare dinner it over excessive warmth till the quantity of water decreases

Then, we prepare dinner it over low warmth for an additional 25 minutes

Let’s now begin cooking the rooster

In a nonstick pan, we pour slightly little bit of vegetable or canola oil and sear the rooster breast

We then add the next substances:

Chopped onions (200 grams)

Carrots (120 grams)

One tbsp of garlic

Scorching pepper

Bell pepper (150 grams)

Cabbage (300 grams)

One tsp every of cumin and paprika, and half a tsp every of salt, black pepper, and turmeric

Add the rice

Combine the whole lot collectively

Now we prepare dinner the whole lot over low warmth for quarter-hour

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