
Fashionable Customary Arabic Phonemic Transcription

ʔ ء is a glottal cease, much like the sound between the vowels in “uh-oh”. (The letter ء (“hamza”) may be ‘seated’ on letters relying on the principles of Arabic orthography: أ إ ؤ ئ. b b sounds just like the “b” in “boy”. t ت sounds just like the “t” in “high”. ŧ ث sounds just like the “th” in “assume”. j c sounds just like the “j” in “jam”. ɧ h is an emphasised, “breathy” /h/, much like the sound of respiratory on glass to fog it up. x х is much like the “ch” within the Scottish phrase “loch” or the German “doch”. It’s a guttural sound made behind the throat, much like the sound of clearing one’s throat. d d sounds just like the “d” in “canine”. đ ذ sounds just like the “dh” in “the”. r ر sounds just like the “r” in “run”. Mr. z sounds just like the “z” in “zoo”. s س sounds just like the “s” in “solar”. š sh sounds just like the “sh” in “she”. ȿ ص is an emphatic “s”. ɖ z is an emphatic “d”. ʈ i is an emphatic “t”. ʐ ظ is an emphatic “đ” or “z”, relying on a speaker’s desire. 3 ع is a voiced /ɧ/ ح, a sound that’s troublesome to explain because it doesn’t exist in English or different European languages. It’s a glottal sound that’s produced by constricting the air circulation within the pharynx, situated behind the throat. ɣ g is the voiced equal of /x/ خ, much like the guttural French “r” as in Paris p ف sounds just like the “f” in “enjoyable”. q q is a guttural /okay/ sound made additional again within the throat than the common “okay” sound in English okay ك sounds just like the “okay” in “sort”. l ل sounds just like the “l” in “love”. m м sounds just like the “m” in “mother”. n ن sounds just like the “n” in “no”. h e is pronounced just like the “h” in “whats up”. w و sounds just like the “w” in “wow”. y ي sounds just like the “y” in “sure”.

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